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Building an npm Package

Kevin Lewis December 6, 2021 in Tutorials

Building an npm Package

If you're a JavaScript developer, you've almost certainly used npm before. The Node Package Manager is a registry that allows developers to package up code and share it using a common set of commands - most commonly npm install package-name. Our own Node.js SDK is available on npm under @deepgram/sdk.

In this post, we'll create, publish, install, and use our first npm package. We'll then extend the functionality and end up with a more complex package that will let users query The Open Movie Database.

Our final class-based package code can be found at <a href=""></a>.

Before We Start

You will need:

Create a new directory and open it in your code editor of choice.

Creating an npm Package

Create a package.json file and populate it with minimal information required for an npm package:

  "name": "@username/first-package",
  "version": "0.0.1"

The name must be unique across all of npm. To aid this, and help list packages with the same author, we can 'scope' packages to a user or organization. Replace username with your npm username to scope it. Some other notes about choosing your package name:

  • You cannot use uppercase letters.

  • You can only use URL-safe characters.

  • The maximum character length is 214.

The version should follow semantic versioning, which is NUMBER.NUMBER.NUMBER. Every time we publish an update to our package, the version must be different from previously-published versions.

If not specified, the default file for your project will be index.js. Create a file and open it in your code editor:

const value = 42
module.exports = value

This is a viable, though not terribly useful, npm package - it will always return a fixed value of 42. The module.exports value can be anything - a fixed value, an object with multiple values, a function, a class, or any other data.

While fixed values may have limited use, they are useful in some contexts - the profane-words package I used in my automatic profanity censoring post used a fixed array value to include a list of almost 3000 profanities instead of me needing to include them a more manual way.

Publishing an npm Package

Open your terminal and navigate to your project directory and run the following commands:

npm login
npm publish --access=public

You have now published your first ever npm package - congratulations! If you go to <a href=""></a> you should see it. Reminder: if ever you are publishing again, you must increase the version in package.json,or you will get an error.

Testing Your npm Package

Want to use your package locally to test it before publishing? Create a new file in your repository called scratchpad.js (you can call it anything - this is what I use) and open it on your code editor:

const firstPackage = require('./index.js')
console.log(firstPackage) // 42

Run this file with node scratchpad.js.

If you want to exclude this file from being downloaded by users when they install your package, add it to a .gitignore file. Create one now and enter the filenames you want to be excluded (one per line):


Using Your npm Package

Create a brand new directory outside of this project. Navigate to it in a terminal, and type:

npm install @username/first-package

Create an index.js file to require and use the package:

const firstPackage = require('@username/first-package')
console.log(firstPackage) // 42

Exporting Functions

As mentioned above, you can export any JavaScript value or datatype in your package. Replace the content of your index.js with the following:

const value = 42

function sum(a, b) {
  return a + b

module.exports = {

This is exporting an object with both the fixed value and the function. Update scratchpad.js and then rerun it:

const firstPackage = require('./index.js')
console.log(firstPackage) // { value: 42, sum: [Function: sum] }
console.log(firstPackage.sum(1, 3)) // 4

You may have seen object destructing when requiring packages. Here's how it looks:

const { sum } = require('./index.js')
console.log(sum(1, 3)) // 4

This takes the sum property in the object returned by our package and makes it available as a top-level variable called sum. This is what we do with our Deepgram Node.js SDK:

const { Deepgram } = require('@deepgram/sdk')

Exporting Classes

Exporting one or more functions is quite a common behavior of npm packages, as is exporting a class. Here's what interacting with a class-based package looks like courtesy of the Deepgram Node.js SDK:

const { Deepgram } = require('@deepgram/sdk')
const deepgram = new Deepgram('DEEPGRAM_API_KEY')
    url: '',
  .then((transcript) => {

Let's create our own exported class for the Open Movie Database. First, install the axios package that will help us make API calls. In your terminal:

npm install axios

Once you do this take a look at package.json - the dependencies section will be created for you. When users install your package, it will also install axios for them, along with axios' dependencies, and so on.

Replace the whole content of index.js with the following:

const axios = require('axios')

class OpenMovieDatabase {
  constructor(apiKey) {
    this.apiKey = apiKey

  async get(parameters) {
    try {
      const { data } = await axios({
        method: 'GET',
        url: '',
        params: { apikey: this.apiKey, ...parameters },
      return data
    } catch (error) {

module.exports = OpenMovieDatabase

Replace scratchpad.js with the following:

const OpenMovieDatabase = require('./index')
const omdb = new OpenMovieDatabase('YOUR_KEY_HERE')

  .get({ t: 'Inside Out' })
  .then((results) => {
    console.log({ results })
  .catch((error) => {
    console.log({ error })

Once the package is required, an instance needs to be created. The constructor we define expects an apiKey which is then stored in that instance. When using the package, we only need to provide the key once and then use omdb.get() as many times as we want without needing to provide our key as it is automatically included in the API request params. Nifty, right?

Before publishing this again, be sure to add node_modules to a new line in your .gitignore.

Wrapping Up

This package lacks lots of features I would expect as a user:

  • More robust error handling.

  • Checking required parameters are provided and providing useful errors if not.

  • Splitting the 'get' and 'search' requests.

Our final class-based package code can be found at

When putting together my first npm packages, I found most tutorials stopped at the most basic examples or assumed lots of additional knowledge. I hope this has provided more helpful context and helped you get your first package published. If it did - please let us know what you've published so we can celebrate together - we are @DeepgramAI on Twitter or via email.

If you have any feedback about this post, or anything else around Deepgram, we'd love to hear from you. Please let us know in our GitHub discussions .

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