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Deepgram Announces UniMRCP Integration to Power Modern Customer Experience

Katie Byrne September 30, 2020 in Product News

Deepgram Announces UniMRCP Integration to Power Modern Customer Experience

COVID-19 has created a twofold challenge for customer service operations, inundating contact center employees with customer service queries while simultaneously requiring significant changes to accommodate a reduced and remote workforce. Even before the pandemic, organizations were increasing their focus on customer experience, and that focus has only heightened with less access to in-person customer service and a completely virtual holiday shopping season around the corner. How can organizations increase efficiency, improve complaint resolution and continue to provide a high standard of support under these circumstances?

Clients can now implement state of the art speech recognition into their IVR solutions

We believe speech recognition has an important role to play in powering the next generation of customer experience. That's why today we're excited to announce UniMRCP integration that will allow our customers to connect state of the art speech recognition with their existing Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solutions such as Genesys, Cisco, Avaya, and Nuance.

But Doesn't IVR Already Do This?

IVR is an essential ingredient of all modern contact centers. The benefit of IVR is that customers are able to use their voice to navigate the menu versus using a touch-tone, which requires customers to listen to an automated menu and press multiple numbers before being routed to the correct customer service agent. It's great in theory, but not always in reality, because not all customer inquiries fit into a multiple-choice menu. The experience can easily turn from helpful to frustrating when the system struggles to accurately capture the reason customers are calling or the customer has to listen closely for the correct menu prompts instead of being able to simply state the reason for their call. In a world where customer experience can make or break your business, it's critical that the call center experience is quick and intuitive.

Integrating Deepgram's state-of-the-art speech recognition technology into existing IVR solutions will help customers access the information they need faster and minimize frustration for first-time callers by ensuring that they are heard correctly the first time. Deepgram's solution provides its customers with unparalleled trained accuracy (over 90%), taking into account keywords that are important to your customers and automatically adjusting to noise pollution, meaning that the customer is heard the first time, regardless of background noise.

About Deepgram UniMRCP

MRCP stands for Media Resource Control Protocol, an industry-standard data and communication protocol commonly used for IVRs. UniMRCP is the open source cross-platform implementation of the MRCP client and server.

Our UniMRCP offering allows enterprises to accurately capture the reason customers are calling by automatically adjusting to your customer's unique audio profile and by distinguishing between speakers and filtering out background noise. This enables enterprises to address customer pain points from the start, providing customers with a more positive customer experience overall.

With training, Deepgram can identify with unparalleled accuracy the keywords that are specific to your brand, and that matter most to your customers. This further streamlines the customer call center experience, routing customer calls to the correct support person based on their needs. UniMRCP makes it possible for companies to build a custom IVR dialogue workflow, as you have reliable transcriptions to build NLU models and automation off of.

The Next Generation of Customer Experience

Deepgram powers the next generation of customer experience-from IVR and AI voice products, to virtual customer assistants, chatbots and agent productivity solutions. Customer contact centers have always been an important step in the customer journey, and with the shift to digital-first experiences, it is now a critical step to retaining customers. That's why innovative contact center solutions such as Agara,,, Tethr, and Sharpen choose Deepgram to give them accurate transcription and customer experience foundation.

"There could be hundreds of issues a customer is calling in about. Add to this complexity there is a distribution of words, specific to each of our customer's brands," said Arjun Maheswaran, CTO at Agara. "We couldn't get these words right using Google, Amazon or Speechmatics, and are thrilled to finally reach our accuracy goal with Deepgram."

Contact us today to learn how we can support your IVR solution.

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